Enjoying today, reflecting on yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What fabric are you creating?

As I sit now, looking out my window at the yellow glow of the disappearing sunset, thoughts of how I came to be here float through my mind.

Our paths in this life are not pre-determined ... we have made choices in the past and we have choices ahead of us. All of our choices are woven together to form a fabric of life. What colours will dominate? What patterns will emerge? What can we learn from looking back at our creations?

Today I am presented with a new creation of life. I am joyous. I am pleased for the happy couple as their lives have suddenly been enriched with deep, overwhelming love and there are colourful times ahead. Yet, this colourful event is connected to me; connected to a time some 18 years earlier. As I look back I see painful colours emerge, and a pain that continued for many years after. The pain, however, does not reach into my present life. Why? If I remember correctly, I actively found strength to acknowledge my guilt and sorrow, then I let go and sowed seeds of love and forgiveness.

I am now filled with positivity; perhaps I have discovered a way to live and create a fabric of comfort and warmth despite having to weave together both agreeable and disagreeable material. So why do some of my closest connections continue to create haphazard and ill-shapen designs for themselves? I do not believe, as they do, that somehow I have received more favourable supplies. Instead, by continuously racing ahead without occasionally reviewing their creations, perhaps they cannot hope to see painful patterns emerging or cease to carry burdens into the future.

There is no sense of superiority here, for which I am commonly accused. My hope is for others to look at themselves as closely as I do so that they can feel joy, hope and positivity for their futures.

Today has been a reminder of another time. But it has also been an awakening ... a recognition that by actively seeking to acknowledge the past, the future can indeed be brighter. Mistakes may be made, but we have the capacity to learn from them.

Do you like your current creation?

Can you actively seek to drop a few colours and replace them with uplifting ones?

Or are some of us destined to create disastrous designs?