Enjoying today, reflecting on yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow ...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Life goes on

Life goes on, they say. Goes on how and to where, I wonder.

People see a smile, but not the pain. It is there, in the eyes. But most don't want to see it or acknowledge it. They walk away with their own problems and life to live. Pass you by.

I see it in others. It hurts most when I see pain in the eyes of children. Not just once either. Some walk in every day with eyes that wrench at your heart. But you can't take on the world either, they say. Leave them. They'll get through.

So days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and before you know it, you've survived.

Looking back at the dark points you wonder how and why nobody came to help. But, perhaps they thought you were tough enough and could get through anything, or perhaps you weren't worth their time. Who knows?

Tomorrow is another day. What it will bring is unknown, but you've built up your resilience again and you know you'll survive.

Life goes on, they say. And you're sure to get through and still have energy to give to others that need helping hand, a comforting smile or a warm hug.

That is the how, but the where remains a mystery and fills your heart with hope for a better tomorrow.

Gratitude and love to my best friend, who remains always in my thoughts and heart xxx