The First Day of Spring arrives tomorrow ... and I feel I am finally ready for it!
What is there to be ready for you ask? Well -- everything! Spring is the time of rejuvenation and hope. And for a gardener like myself, the idea of seeing fresh green growth and new flower buds forming on trees and shrubs alike is very uplifting. Thus, my own feeling of spiritual growth as well as blossoming with new found wisdom fits in so aptly to the arrival of this new season.
There is that old saying of doing a bit of "Spring cleaning" ... although my cupboards still require my attention, my mind is tidy for the first time this year. Over the last week I have taken a leave of absence from work and used the time to sort out the priorities in my life. I usually do this at the beginning of each calendar year ... as the New Year brings with it a sense of freshness perfect for re-prioritising as well as dreaming about the things I would like to do. However, the loss of my Brother-in-law so soon into 2009 left me little time to follow my usual rituals.
It is true that you don't know the value of something until you lose it, or nearly in my case. A couple of weeks ago I had to face the thought of losing my job after spending some much of my time and energy over the last 9 months to prove that I was good at it. I also had to reflect on the sacrifices my family had made during this time for a result that would not eventuate. It was a heartbreaking experience. On the final day of my contract I was offered an extension for three months. Instead of feeling a sense of relief, I felt confused.
Today I am to discuss my position with my supervisor ... but I have already made changes in my life whereby work is not first on my priority list. The simple inclusion of a 3km jog each morning for my own fitness indicates that my perspective has been altered by this experience. I am positive I can go back to living out my own belief system of family first!