Enjoying today, reflecting on yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow ...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Magic Hand

Oh, the magic hand, the magic hand!
It moves like this, it moves like that ... AND
It moves paper through the air, both to the left and the right,
So your scissors cut the paper without much fight!

Oh, the magic hand, the magic hand!
It moves like this, it moves like that ... AND
It moves paper through the air, both to the left and the right,
So make sure your thumb is up on top and in plain sight!

Oh, the magic hand, the magic hand!
It moves like this, it moves like that ... AND
It moves paper through the air, both to the left and the right,
So hold the largest bit of paper to cut off the smallest white!

Oh, the magic hand, the magic hand!
It moves like this, it moves like that ... AND
It moves paper through the air, both to the left and the right,
So your scissors are cutting straight and the shapes are right!

(Adapted from Mem Fox for teaching children how to cut-out properly)

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