Funny thing about kids ... you miss them when they're not there!
I have just walked in the door from "school pick-up" with two school bags, empty lunch boxes and hats, but not my two girls. Can a few months really make much of a difference? Well, obviously it does because both of them have happily gone off on different "play-dates" ... leaving me to my own devices (and thoughts) this afternoon. Apparently GRADE ONE really is about growing up, in more ways than one.
Coming back to an empty house is quite a funny feeling. What does one do? There are no stories to listen to, no milkshakes to prepare, no stories to read or colouring in to do. The weird thing is that you are free and yet feel under pressure to utilise this small, but precious, time wisely!
Ha ha, it was only 6 years ago that I didn't have a problem knowing what to do in my time off ... in fact, my whole life revolved around me and my wants and desires. How very strange to think of me back then. I didn't realise what a selfish life I was leading, and although I don't believe I was totally self-absorbed it seems such a selfish way of living all the same.
I have often heard people say they want to bring children into the world to make themselves feel whole or complete ... I am not sure whether I understand this reasoning, but I do know that my children have brought great joy, triumph, heart-ache, frustration and immense love into my life. I feel grateful that I am blessed with the opportunity to care and support my two girls.
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