Enjoying today, reflecting on yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Savouring the moment

This morning I am determined to savour the moment ... that moment, a very long moment, of painting the last of three rooms this week. Yes, what a joy it will be! However, I seem to have misplaced my motivation ... it is sure to be hiding amongst the mess which has lined the hallway and family room for two weeks now.

Apparently I am the type of person who starts many projects, but doesn't finish too many. And, I kind of found a fair few of those projects whilst re-organising our boxes, cupboards and rooms last week. There was the photograph box display of our first year with children; I had managed to finish two out of the three boxes, buuuuuttt, not the third. Oh, and there was also the project of patching and re-stuffing my Grandma's toy animals she left for the girls. Well, I had managed to find spare material to patch them, but they still require my attention!

And let's not forget my painting. I bought a little canvas and set of paints to enjoy as part of a celebration of my 'freedom' (after the recent completion of a work contract) ... What happened you ask? Well, I was determined to savour the moment of teaching myself to paint, so I dreamed about painting for a week whilst cleaning the entire house. Then I was able to enjoy the luxury of painting for three hours one morning and a further two hours that afternoon. It was divine! But after that, a new project came along and I could no longer justify the time to finish it. So, now I see my lastest 'unfinished' project every time I go to the laundry sink to wash paint brushes, rollers, stirrer and buckets for my 'current' project.

Well, my little motivator is just about to come home from school ... so I better go and put that undercoat on her bedroom walls! ❤❤❤

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