Both new to town, their cultural background slightly different from everyone.
However those dreams were shattered when in May my Father suddenly died.
My Mother was pregnant with her second child and me, I was barely one.
It is this event, I believe, that has shaped the heart that beats inside of me.
Affecting the choices I've made in my life and all the responsibility.
I tend to carry the world on my shoulders and lighten the burden of others.
But it doesn't take away the pain I suffer, the pain that nobody can see.
A few people have managed to enter my heart, and there they will always stay.
For richer, for poorer, in times of joy and sadness or even when it's barely okay.
They belong in my heart forever and ever, as we once had a strong connection.
And it doesn't matter where I live or how I change, it's comforting in that way.
So I call out to the stars above me to say 'thank you' for those sent to guide.
Each one of them special and trustworthy, so it was right for me to confide.
My fears are safe, my thoughts expressed, maybe now I can drift off to sleep.
So, my friends, please know you're loved and appreciated by coming along for the ride ...

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