Enjoying today, reflecting on yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow ...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Tanami

It was hot, dry and dusty,
And I don't suppose it's changed.
A place we called "the Tanami",
Our affections you'd find quite strange.

For according to the passer by,
if you travel along the Tanami Track.
There is little to see or do,
except for the infamous Rabbit Flat.

Ah yes, that favourite watering hole,
Where boys were cajolled to manhood initiations.
And caretakers Bruce and Jackie,
lived an eccentric life out in the isolation.

We lived in the desert too,
in camps with names of "DBS" and "Ivy".
"The Granites" mine not far away,
but only the accommodation we would envy.

For exploration geos and fieldies,
were free to roam the endless red expanse.

(a working progress)


  1. Hi Tara,

    Their names are Bruce and Jackie Farand, they started the roadhouse in the 60s and have been there ever since.

    You can find a little about them in the books of Kim Mahood and her mother Marie Mahood. Also a mention in Edna Quilty.

  2. Thank you so much Geoff ... It was on the tip of my tongue, but it didn't manage to slip off all day! (lol)

    I see you're in the red country yourself -- just up the road from me actually. What a small world.

    Once again, I appreciate your time and the info.

    Kindest regards, Tara

  3. great start tara, what about the flies and endless heat,starry night the sweet sound of a dingo howl, friend ship made around the camp fire and so...what a great part of life

  4. I agree with you James, my wonderful friend ... where would we be without the Tanami in our lives?

    Thank you most kindly for you suggestions ❤❤❤
