When a babe in arms, life was simple.
There was enough food, shelter and love.
When a toddler, life was suddenly complicated.
There was no Father, a grieving Mother, a new born Sister and a new Dad.
When of school age, life was unfamiliar once again.
How to make friends, how to keep friends, how to please a teacher and how to stretch ones mind.
Others were relied upon for self-belief and understanding conditions of love.
When 10 years old, life was sweet.
There was success in sport, academia, friendship, family connection and self-control.
But there existed an intense fear of losing everything and everyone.
When a teenager, life was way too complicated.
There was confusion about the body, mind, and life in general.
Others seemed false, cruel, unreliable, disinterested or unavailable.
There was high expectations and no skills to cope.
When independent at 18, life was liberating.
There was a rebellion!
No study, no advice taken, no playing it safe and no care for oneself.
Lessons about love, loss and true friendship were discovered.
There was a move away from family and the finding of others for support and guidance.
When mid-to-late 20s, life was a roller-coaster.
There were 'up' periods when the world was an oyster.
There were 'down' periods when the world closed and one couldn't see through the darkness.
There was a lack of trust, belief and direction.
Now a mother, life has changed completely.
It is not measured by success, but in patience.
There is no room for selfish thoughts, desires or motives.
There is room only for positivity, hope, faith, belief, trust and open mindedness.
A good example must be dreamt, fulfilled and sustained.
Is this the promised life?